Gilbert Academy of Creative Arts

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Super 6 News

Gilbert's Super 6 School News airs daily. It is created, hosted and produced by Gilbert students, with each grade level having some part to call their own. These broadcasts focus not only on events happening in our school but also integrate all areas of the curriculum. They are viewed live in every classroom via the school's internal TV channel, thus providing a daily means of communicating and sharing information.

News & Announcements

Vote For Our Gilbert Giraffe : Phenix!

Congratulations to our very own Giraffe artist Phenix! He is an XO Sphere challenge contestant. Please vote for Phenix daily! If he wins, our school will receive a $10,000 donation for the Art program, tickets for all of our students to visit the Sphere, and best of all, his artwork displayed on the Sphere for Earth Day! Let's go Gilbert, we need your support. Voting ends March 24th, 2025.

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